Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fitness Vs Rehab

When I first became a Fitness Trainer about a decade ago, my main focus was to make my male clients as muscular as possible and my female client as lean toned as I can.
Getting male clients to perform the exercise with maximum load in maximum range of motion while my female clients to endure hundreds of countless crazy repetitions till they could barely move.

So focused was I on that particular muscle group we were working on till I failed to realize how the rest of the client’s body was compensating to perform the exercise.
So please to see the machine/body moved from point A to B that I was totally unaware if the pelvis/scapular/spine is properly stabilized/supported with the quadrants to achieve that range of motion.
Forget about if the client was even breathing, as long as they complete the repetitions, they can breath later.

Meeting Ron and learning his work changes my life.

The first thing we learnt was Breath.
Breath?! I’d been breathing all my life, why must still learn how to Breath….???
Only then I realized I’d been breathing from a wrong place causing more tension and immobility.
We learn to use breath to initiate movement.
We use breath to lengthen and articulate spine/movement.
Breath is key the Fletcher technique.

How were we to know that simply finding Foot Centers will help us realigned our knees and hips, which will prevent/strengthen our knees/hips from injuries.
Wait till you hear about the Magnets and Bolts.
Ron’s life changing techniques allow us to use the body as a whole/team to execute a movement.
Focusing on full body commitment to stabilize the skeletal structure/spine/scapular/pelvis to cause movement.
Maximum range of motion are achieved without losing the integrity of skeletal alignment.

Pilates is a concept of movement that gives anyone the skill of being more aware of their body alignment and how they are moving.
We can use the concept of our Fletcher Pilates technique virtually in any forms sports or movements.
Instead of feeling tighter or heavier after a gym training, one will feel stronger but lighter & lengthened.
The 7 Standing & Centering cues will help runners/triathletes maintain correct posture and alignment, allowing them to run faster and lighter.
Ron’s Towelwork works miracles on swimmers who require a significant amount of shoulder stabilization yet not losing their mobility.

Many have viewed Pilates as a form of rehab.
Fletcher Pilates makes it more about movement. Functional movements!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Fitness vs. Rehab

When I think about this topic and what it means to me, I remember something that I heard Ron say more than once...

"Teach what you know and not what you don't know".

For me, it comes down to this simple statement. As Fletcher teachers we are trained to teach movement, not to "fix" injuries or diagnose. We are not physical therapists nor should we pretend to be. When I get frustrated because I cannot figure out why my client is having pain or isn't improving despite their hard work and dedication, I go to a physical therapist and ask questions or send my client to the therapist to have a screening. It is a wonderful thing to have a pt in your circle of go-to people so that you can get professional, medical answers. I strongly suggest building a good repore with a pt in your community. A lot of times they will want to take sessions with you so that they understand Pilates and have a better idea of what it is you are doing with your client. It will also only help you grow as a teacher and Pilates student. I believe we must all be ok with looking in the eyes of a client and saying, "I am not a physical therapist so I cannot diagnose, but I know someone great who can.

Having said that, I feel there is a natural, rehabilitative quality that is the very foundation of the Fletcher work. I know we have all felt this time and time again. It is that "something" that attracts us to the work. It is nourishment for our mind, body, and soul. It is what keeps us in the work and differentiates Fletcher Pilates from various other styles. We have all walked into a Fletcher class feeling stressed from the day and the moment we begin to breathe, we feel centered and connected. This feeling is priceless and by no means an accident. Let us not forget the positive and powerful effect Pilates can have on us, our clients, and our community.